Icecream Screen Recorder Pro



Icecream Screen Recorder Pro is a screen recording software that allows users to capture any area of their screen as a video file or take screenshots. Here are some of its features:

  1. Screen recording: Record the entire screen or select a specific area to capture.
  2. Audio recording: Capture system sound and microphone input during the recording.
  3. Drawing panel: Add annotations, shapes, and text to the recording in real-time.
  4. Webcam recording: Include webcam footage in the screen recording.
  5. Scheduled recording: Set a specific time and duration for automatic screen recording.
  6. Zoom in/zoom out: Focus on specific areas of the screen during recording.
  7. Task scheduler: Automate the screen recording process.
  8. Video quality options: Adjust the recording quality based on your preferences.
  9. Screenshots: Capture screenshots and save them in various formats.
  10. Clipboard save: Copy screen captures to the clipboard for quick sharing.

System Requirements for Icecream Screen Recorder Pro:

  • Operating System: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista
  • Processor: Intel, AMD, or any other compatible processor with at least 2.66 GHz CPU speed
  • RAM: 2 GB or more
  • Disk Space: 150 MB of free space
  • Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8 Series or better, or any video card compatible with DirectX 9

Compared to other screen recording software, Icecream Screen Recorder Pro offers a user-friendly interface and a range of features suitable for both beginners and more advanced users. It provides options for recording specific areas, adding annotations, and capturing audio. The scheduled recording and task scheduler features allow for automation, making it convenient for capturing screen activity without manual intervention.

The official website for Icecream Screen Recorder Pro is:

As for pricing, It is recommended to visit the official website for the most accurate and current pricing details. On the official website, you will find the pricing information for the Pro version of Icecream Screen Recorder. Typically, the Pro version requires a one-time payment for a lifetime license, allowing you to use the software without any additional fees or subscriptions. There might also be a free version available with limited features, which can be upgraded to the Pro version for access to all the features.

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