Icecream Ebook Reader Pro



Icecream Ebook Reader Pro 6.32 Portable

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Icecream Ebook Reader Pro is an ebook reader software that allows users to read ebooks in various formats on their computer. Here are some features, system requirements, a comparison with other software, official site, and pricing information:

Features of Icecream Ebook Reader Pro:

  1. Multiple ebook format support: Icecream Ebook Reader Pro supports popular ebook formats such as EPUB, MOBI, PDF, FB2, CBZ, and CBR.
  2. Library management: Users can organize their ebook collection into libraries and customize the library view.
  3. Reading progress tracking: The software remembers the reading progress for each ebook, allowing users to easily resume from where they left off.
  4. Full-screen mode: Users can read ebooks in a distraction-free full-screen mode.
  5. Bookmarks and annotations: Icecream Ebook Reader Pro allows users to add bookmarks and make annotations within the ebooks.
  6. Text-to-speech: The software offers a text-to-speech feature that can read ebooks aloud.
  7. Night mode: Users can switch to a night mode that uses a dark background for comfortable reading in low-light conditions.
  8. Customizable reading settings: Users can adjust font size, font type, line spacing, and margin size according to their preferences.
  9. Book search: The software provides a search functionality to find specific text within ebooks.

System Requirements:

Icecream Ebook Reader Pro is compatible with Windows operating systems (Windows 7, 8, and 10). It requires at least 70 MB of free disk space and 1 GB of RAM.

Comparison to other software:

Icecream Ebook Reader Pro offers a range of features that make it a competitive option among ebook reader software. However, it's worth considering other popular ebook readers like Adobe Digital Editions, Calibre, and Kindle for PC, to find the one that best suits your needs.

Official Site and Pricing:

You can find more information about Icecream Ebook Reader Pro on their official website: As for the pricing, please note that the pricing details may change over time, so it's advisable to visit the official website for the most up-to-date information. At the time of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Icecream Ebook Reader Pro was available in two versions:

  1. Free version: The free version offers basic features and is available at no cost.
  2. Pro version: The Pro version provides additional features such as unlimited books in libraries, book search, and the ability to add custom categories. The pricing for the Pro version was a one-time fee of $19.95.

Please check the official website for the current pricing and any possible changes or additional plans they may offer.


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