Secure-PDF Professional Edition 2.003 Portable [Latest]
Secure-PDF –puts an end to this: Encrypt PDF files with up to 256 bit key strength, whether they are yours or someone else's (AES). Add a password to open it so that users must input the right password in order to read the encrypted document.
Secure-PDF: Security toolbox for PDF files including encryption and signing
• Documents with graphics are distributed all over the world in the PDF format. Unfortunately, since high-quality PDF editors are fairly pricey, modifying the documents is typically connected with hefty expenditures. On the other hand, the less expensive options lack the crucial features that make PDFs safe, such encryption, digital signatures, and watermarking.
Security toolbox including encryption and signing of PDF documents.
• Put an end to this with Secure-PDF by encrypting PDF files created by you or others with up to 256 bit key strength (AES). Add a password to open it so that users must input the right password in order to read the encrypted document.
Security toolbox for PDF documents
• A capability for digital signing is included in Secure-PDF to assure the recipients of your PDF documents that the related document is original and has not been altered subsequently. You can add your digital signature to the document using a PKCS#12 certificate. Or, simply add your signature to a PDF file.
• Secure-PDF can set watermarks as well as the owner information of a PDF document – even without previous knowledge of how to use PDF documents!
ASCOMP.Secure.PDF.2.003.Portable.rar – 4.9 MB